
Welcome to Rachel's Homeschooling!
บ้านเรียนโลกกว้าง is Rachel's Homeschooling, conducted by a parent and other tutors, located in Bangkok, Thailand. 

Why is "Homeschooling" ?
Because homeschooling is suitable and make things easier in many ways.

What is "Homeschooling"?
Homeschooling, also known as home education, is the education of children inside the home. Home education is usually conducted by a parent or tutor. "Homeschooling" is the term commonly used in North America, whereas "บ้านเรียน" is commonly used in Thailand, whereas "Home Education" is commonly used in the United Kingdom, Europe and in many commonwealth countries.

*Please "Subscribe"  to us, if you have any questions or more information.*

What is "Homeschool Handbook" ? 
This handbook is guide on homeschooling issue and seeks to address questions, concerns, interests, fears, doubts or mere curiosity . If you’re not already, it may help you to become an informed supporter of home schooling. The handbook explains all of the important aspects of home schooling and the surrounding issues. Many  practical experiences and ideas for carrying out home schooling are included. Key points are shaded for emphasis about "What’s home schooling all about?”.   To find out.... Click here!
